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Tube Packaging Market Seeing Emergence of Airless Tubes and Growing at 6% CAGR to 2019-The 17th China(Guangzhou)Int'l Tube&Pipe Expo
11/24/2015  Tube&Pipe exhibition
    Global tube packaging market report analyzes that customer convenience has become a matter of priority for almost all companies, and the same is applicable in packaging product companies as well. As a result, these companies have introduced many innovative packaging products such as airless packs and tester size packs.

Many consumer product manufacturers realize the need to introduce eco-friendly packaging material to promote sustainability and attract eco-conscious consumers. Manufacturers are emphasizing the use of recyclable materials in packaging, and use of resins derived from renewable resources. The analysts expect minimal use of non-biodegradable materials in packaging.

The analysts forecast global tube packaging market to grow at a CAGR of 6.72% over the period 2015-2019. The market can be segmented into four based on the following: end-users (Cosmetic and oral care, Food and beverages, Pharmaceuticals and Others), products (squeeze tubes packaging, twist tubes packaging, cartridge packaging and other tubes packaging), material, and geographies.

The demand for tube packing from the pharmaceutical industry has increased significantly with the introduction of new drugs in the market. Most creams are packed in tubes, as they allow measured amounts to be dispensed easily and provide better reclosure to the pack.

Other major factors like advances in manufacturing processes are also fueling market growth. For instance, tubes made up of tin, aluminum, and lead are common in the pharmaceutical industry. Lamination of tin-coated lead provides enhanced appearance and oxidation resistance to the packaging. Plastics are preferred over aluminum, as it becomes hard and start developing leaks. Order a copy of Global Tube Packaging Market 2015 - 2019 report

管材展-钢管展-2016广州国际管材展-中国展出效果最好的管材展-巨浪展览 -Tube and pipe exhibition-The 17th China(Guangzhou)Int''l Tube&Pipe Expo

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