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TUlK: Turkey's steel export value up 15.1 percent in January-September-管材展-钢管展-2025第二十五届广州国际管材及管材加工设备展览会-巨浪展览-The 25th China (Guangzhou) Int'l Tube & Pipe Processing Equipment Exhibition
11/4/2024  管材展-钢管展-steel tube expo-pipe expo-pipe exhibition
    According to the provisional foreian trade statistics compiled by the Turkish Statistical institute (TulK) and the TurkishUndersecretariat of Customs, in September this vear Turkev''s foreian rade deficit increased by 0 7 percent to $5 13 bilioncompared to September 2023. in the january-September period this year, Turkey''s foreian trade deficit went down by 31 1 perceniyear on year to $60.43 billion.
In September, Turkey''s iron and steel exports ranked seventh among the country''s products with the highest export value, totaling$948.98 milion, up by 16.7 percent year on year. Meanwhile, in the given month the value of exports of aricles of iron or steel.which ranked ninth among the products with the highest export value, went down by 7.1 percent year on year, amounting to$851.05 million.
in the irst nine months this vear Turkev''s iron and steel exoor value was uo by 15 i percent to $7 55 biion while the value ofits exports of articles of iron or steel decreased by 2.7 percent to $7 .25 billion, both year on year. 管材展-钢管展-2025第二十五届广州国际管材及管材加工设备展览会-巨浪展览-The 25th China (Guangzhou) Int''l Tube & Pipe Processing Equipment Exhibition 2025管材展,2025管材展会,广州管材展,中国管材展会,2025广州管材展,2025广州管材展会,2025钢管展,2025钢管展会,2025钢管展览会,2025管件展,2025管件展会,2025管件展览会,中国钢管展会,中国管件展,2025管材加工展,2025管材加工展览会,2025管材设备展会,2025钢管设备展,2025管件设备展会,广东管材展,广东管材展会,2025广东钢管展,广东钢管展会,2025管材博览会,2025钢管博览会,2025管件博览会-pipe Industry Exhibition,pipe expo, 2025 pipe exhibition, 2025 pipe expo, China pipe exhibition, China pipe expo,pipe Industry event,pipe event, 2025 pipe event, 2025 pipe event, China pipe event, China pipe event,tube Industry Exhibition,tube expo, 2025 tube exhibition, 2025 tube expo, China tube exhibition, China tube expo,-tube Industry event,tube event, 2025 tube event, 2025 tube event, China tube event, China tube event
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