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Worldsteel Policy Paper on Climate Change & Steel Production管材展-钢管展-2021广州国际管材及管材加工设备展---巨浪展览 - The 22nd China (Guangzhou ) Int’l tube & pipe Processing Equipment Exhibition
5/19/2021  管材展-钢管展-steel tube expo-tube &pipe expo

The World Steel Association has released a public policy paper, Climate change and the production of iron and steel. The paper outlines the steel industry’s challenges and opportunities with respect to reducing CO2 emissions in line with the aims of the Paris Agreement. Steel production remains a CO2 and energy-intensive activity. However, the steel industry is committed to continuing to reduce the footprint from its operations and the use of its products. There is no single solution to drastically reducing CO2 emissions from our industry and we believe that individual countries are best placed to assess and implement policy and technical strategies to suit their particular circumstances. However, the main elements of the industry’s response, applicable to steel producers everywhere, are:

  1. Reducing our own impact

  2. Efficiency and the circular economy

  3. Developing advanced steel products to enable societal transformations

Worldsteel Director General Dr Edwin Basson said “What is absolutely clear is that governments and other stakeholders will need to work with the steel industry to overcome the technological and economic challenges and create the market conditions necessary for the steel industry to transition to low-carbon steelmaking effectively.”

Worldsteel’s Environment and Climate Change Head Åsa Ekdahl is presenting the contents of the paper in a webinar on 19 May, ‘Climate Change and the Production of Iron and Steel: An Industry View.’ The webinar is a steelTalk, part of the series of free-to-attend monthly webinars organised by steeluniversity, worldsteel’s learning and training programme.

-Tube exhibition, Tube expo,2021 Tube exhibition,2021 Tube expo, China Tube exhibition, China Tube expo, pipe exhibition, pipe expo, 2021 pipe exhibition,2021 pipe expo, China pipe exhibition, China pipe expo, Guangzhou pipe exhibition, Guangzhou tube exhibition, Guangzhou pipe expo, Guangzhou tube expo 

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