The steel mill, in Anhui province was out of action for two months because of the COVID-19 pandemic and restarted in December 2019 when the caster reached maximum productivity of 97 tons/hr per strand during the first cast, claims Danieli.
Plant startup was supported by Danieli personnel operating on-site and from Danieli''s technological offices using remote connections and advanced tools such as Q-SPACE.
The new, two-strand 12-m-radius continuous casting machine can also produce BB5 beam blanks measuring 900mm x 510mm x130 mm; 1,030mm x 440mm x130mm BB6 beam blanks, and a small slab 550mm x 280 mm in twin-mould configuration.
According to Danieli, the twin-mould configuration permits production of a lighter mini-slab section without loss of productivity, casting four slabs simultaneously on two strands, which maintains a compact machine design reducing CapEx and OpEx.
Several steel grades already have been produced, including micro-alloyed and fine-grain steels, obtaining good product quality and meeting the strict dimensional design tolerances since the first heat, Danieli claims.
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