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Vietnam urge steelmakers to curb pollution- The 19th China (Guangzhou ) Int’l tube & pipe Processing Equipment Exhibition
8/15/2017  管材展-钢管展-steel tube expo-tube &pipe expo
    Vietnam News reported that residents of the central province of Qu?ng Nam poured into the streets recently to protest against the Viet-Phap Steel Company, blamed for causing severe pollution in Tam K? City. r Võ Nh? Qu?ng whose home is close to the steel plant said that “Since its establishment in 2009, we cannot live in peace. We are asking them to move somewhere else.” The pressure worked, and on July 26, the Qu?ng Nam Province People’s Committee decided to move the Viet- Phap steel plant to the less populated mountainous district of Nam Giang.

Despite its happy outcome, the protest highlights a somewhat underexposed problem of the pollution generated by Vi?t Nam’s steel industry.

Writing recently in the "Vi?t Nam Environment Administration Magazine", Nghiêm Gia from the Vi?t Nam Association of Foundry and Metallurgy said Vietnamese steel enterprises must put in place measures to balance economic growth with environmental protection.

Gia wrote that there are 300 small and medium-size steel enterprises in Vi?t Nam. These companies provide jobs and contribute to national economic development. However, due to their relatively small sizes, they lack proper waste treatment systems and cause pollution.

Steelmaking is a heavy industry and its slags are hazardous to the environment and humans. Solid waste, gas, dust and wastewater are released in every step of the production. Wastewater consists of machine-cooling water and liquid side-products which contain oil, minerals, dust, iron oxide and other pollutants.

The manufacturing of one tonne of iron discharges 0.5 to 1 tonne of slag, 10,000 cubic metres of gas, 100kg of dust and pollutants like acid or alkali. Dust from steelmaking contains metal oxides and greenhouse gases harmful to the biosystem and human life.

At a National Assembly meeting late 2016, Industry and Trade Minister Tr?n Tu?n Anh said Vi?t Nam’s steel enterprises and enforcement authorities need to take various actions to raise awareness of the impacts of pollution. Anh pledged that “I stress that we are not by any means exchanging the environment for economic profits and industrial projects.” - The 19th China (Guangzhou ) Int’l tube & pipe Processing Equipment Exhibition
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