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Future Leaders of Metalcasting Gather in Texas-The 17th China(Guangzhou )Int’l Casting product Exhibition
10/21/2015  Casting product expo

AFS’s Future Leaders of Metalcasting (FLM) Group spent two days of leadership training and community outreach to potential metalcasting students in the Denison, Texas, area Oct. 12-14.

As part of the program, the group heard from Charles I. Dixon, Dixon Motivation Management, about leadership and management principles to help guide their potential career paths through the metalcasting industry.

In the afternoon FLM visited an area middle school. The students participated in a foundry in a box demonstration, during which they made their own castings and learned more about careers in the industry and the applications of engineering happening in companies right in their own backyard.

“It’s always a great to see students excited about metalcasting,” said Alfred Spada, AFS Vice President Business Development and Publisher/Editor, Modern Casting and Metal Casting Design & Purchasing. “The students were engaged and interested in what metalcasting has to offer as a career opportunity.”

On Oct. 14, the FLM group toured Denison Industries’ main metalcasting and automotive plant, where parts for aerospace, automotive, commercial and military applications are cast, processed, machined and tested.

The Future Leaders of Metalcasting (formerly the Young Executives of Metalcasting) is sponsored by AFS to support and strengthen the network of metalcasting''s next generation of leadership through outreach and professional development.

If you are interested in being involved with the Future Leaders of Metalcasting, email Alfred Spada VP of Business Development, AFS, Publisher/Editor, MC, MCDP, for more information.

The American Foundry Society is a not-for-profit organization formed in 1896. With its headquarters in Schaumburg, Ill., AFS provides members and consumers with information and services to promote and strengthen the metalcasting industry.

铸件展--2016第十七届广州国际铸件产品及工艺技术研讨展-广州巨浪展览策划有限公司 casting-The 17th China(Guangzhou )Int’l Casting product Exhibition

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