3D Printing for Foundries President and Future-Öý¼þÕ¹-Öý¼þ²É¹º»á-¹ú¼ÊÖý¼þÕ¹-2015µÚÊ®Áù½ì¹ãÖݹú¼ÊÖý¼þÕ¹»á-¾ÞÀËÕ¹ÀÀ-The 16th China(Guangzhou )Int¡¯l Casting product Exhibition 9/28/2014 Öý¼þÕ¹-Öý¼þÕ¹»á-casting expo |
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Branch President Adrian Aspley welcomed members and visitors to this his final meeting of his presidential year. The Branch AGM preceded the lecture during which John Small was handed the chain of office as the President for the year 2015-2015. John Patterson gave the vote of thanks to the Branch Council for the work done on behalf of the Branch and Institute.
Following the AGM branch members with 30 and 50 years membership of the Institute were given pins to recognise this by outgoing President Adrian.
Dave Yair began by explaining that although the presentation had been prepared by Kevin Smith he was presenting because Kevin was away on business.
Voxeljet has its main office and works in Germany but also operates from 3 offices around the world. It employs 110 people and turns over €12m. Whilst it will sell printers it can also offer sand moulds and cores, patterns and models or carry out research and development for clients.
In 2002 Kevin Smith developed a rapid casting process using 3D printing technology. The printer at that time was a 2010VX500 printer but now the range has been significantly extended and includes the only continuous printer available to industry plus also the largest available at 4m x 2m x 1m. This process is another tool in the foundrymans tool box, not a panacea for all problems, and used as such offers solutions not available by other methods.
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Casting product Exhibition