Thyssenkrupp to replace casting and rolling line at Duisburg-铸件展-铸件采购会-国际铸件展-铸造工业展-2025第二十五届广州国际铸件产品及铸造工业展会-巨浪展览-The 25th China(Guangzhou) Int'l Casting Products ,foundry Industry Exhibition 11/4/2024 铸件展-铸件展会-casting expo-casting exhibition |
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Thyssenkrupp Steel Europe, a subsidiary of German steelmaker Thyssenkrupp, is pressing ahead with the modernization of itsproduction faclities at its Duisburg plant. The company has announced that it has decommissioned its casting and roling linewhich has been in operaion for over 25 years, to be replaced by a state-of the-art 2-strand continuous casting ine and a
modernized hot strip mill.
The ramp-up of the new continuous casting line No. 4 and hot strip mil No. 4 with two new walking beam fumnaces is scheduled asof May 2025.
With the fundamentally modernized hot strip mill 4 and the conversion and new construction of continuous casters 3 and 4, we aresetting the course for our future viability, especialy in terms of efficiency and profitability. By separating and converting our castingand roling line, we are making our production network more flexible," Dennis Grimm, representative of the executive board of
Thyssenkrupp Steel, said.
铸件展-铸件采购会-国际铸件展-铸造工业展-2025第二十五届广州国际铸件产品及铸造工业展会-巨浪展览-The 25th China(Guangzhou) Int''l Casting Products ,foundry Industry Exhibition
2025铸件展,2025铸件展会,2025广州铸件展,2025中国铸件展会,2025广州铸件展,2025广州铸件展会, 2025压铸件展,2025压铸件展览会,广东铸件展,广东铸件展会, 中国铸件展,中国铸件展览会,铸造工业展,2025铸造工业展-casting Industry Exhibition,casting expo, 2025 casting exhibition, 2025 casting expo, China casting exhibition, China casting expo,casting Industry event,casting event, 2025 casting event,casting event 2025, China casting event, China casting event