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Ukraine's flat steel exports up 65.2 percent in January-September-铸件展-铸件采购会-国际铸件展-铸造工业展-2025第二十五届广州国际铸件产品及铸造工业展会-巨浪展览-The 25th China(Guangzhou) Int'l Casting Products ,foundry Industry Exhibition
10/21/2024  铸件展-铸件展会-casting expo-casting exhibition
    In the january-September period of this year, Ukraine''s flat steel exports rose by 65.2 percent to 1 30 milion mt, while its semifinished steel exports amounted to 1.56 milion mt, up by 61.6 percent, both on year-on-year basis, according to the data releasedby the Ukrainian Steel Association Ukrmetallurgprom.In the given period, section exports came to 465.000 mt, moving up by 18.9 percent from the same period of last yeal
Meanwhile, in the first nine months, domestic steel consumption fell by 6.9 percent year on year to 2.43 milion mt, of which927.000 mt was accounted for by imports.
In the same period, Ukraine imported 735,700 mt of flat steel, up by 11.3 percent year on year, while its section imports grew by18.8 percent compared to the same period of 2023 to 177,900 mt. The country''s semifinished steel exports in the January-September period amounted to 13,400 mt, compared to 7 ,600 mt recorded in the first nine months of last year.
The main exoort markets for Ukraine in the januany-September 2024 period were the EU-27 (69.6%). Africa (1.7%). and the otherEuropean countries (7.696). while the main imporers of Ukrainian steel were other European countries (49 6%) the FU-27(28.2%),and Asia (20.6%). 铸件展-铸件采购会-国际铸件展-铸造工业展-2025第二十五届广州国际铸件产品及铸造工业-巨浪展-The 25th China(Guangzhou) Int''l Casting Products ,foundry Industry Exhibition 2025铸件展,2025铸件展会,2025广州铸件展,2025中国铸件展会,2025广州铸件展,2025广州铸件展会, 2025压铸件展,2025压铸件展览会,广东铸件展,广东铸件展会, 中国铸件展,中国铸件展览会,铸造工业展,2025铸造工业展-casting Industry Exhibition,casting expo, 2025 casting exhibition, 2025 casting expo, China casting exhibition, China casting expo,casting Industry event,casting event, 2025 casting event,casting event 2025, China casting event, China casting event
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