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Value of production of steel and steel products in Mexico falls 6.0 percent in December-铸件展-铸件采购会-国际铸件展-铸造工业展-2024第二十四届广州国际铸件产品及铸造工业展会-巨浪展览-The 24th China(Guangzhou )Int’l Casting product Exhibition
3/5/2024  铸件展-铸件展会-casting expo-casting exhibition
    The combined value of production of the "Basic iron and steel industry" and "Manufacture of iron and steel productssectors in Mexico decreased 6.0 percent in December, year-over-year, the 18th consecutive annual decline, accordingto SteelOrbis analysis of data from the national statistics agency lnegi.
The value of production of the two industries in December was MXN 43.80 bilion ($2.51 billion). This amountrepresents 67.1 percent of the total value of production of the Basic Metals Industry.The value of production of the basic iron and steel industry, which includes steel complexes, registered an annualdecrease of 18.3 percent, year-over-vear, totaling the eauivalent of $1.1 bilion. it is the seventeenth consecutiveannual decline. This industrial branch contributed 28.8 percent of the total value of production of the Basic MetalsIndustry.
Internally, the value of the production of the steel complexes was the equivalent of $739 milion, 20.4 percent (variationmeasured in pesos) less compared to December 2022. it is also the seventeenth consecutive annual decrease. Thecomplexes contributed 19.7 percent of the total production value of the Basic Metals industry. Separately, in December, the manufacturing of iron and steel products broke the negative trend of the last 17 monthswith a year-over-year increase of 6.0 percent, totaling the equivalent of $1.44 bilion. This industry contributed 38.3percent of the total value of production of the Basic Metals IndustryIn all of 2023, the joint production value of the two industries was the equivalent of $31.38 bilion, 18.5 percent less(variation measured in pesos). The accumulated value of the basic iron and steel industry was the equivalent of $13.03bilion, a variation that in Mexican pesos represented a decrease of 25 3 percent. in the steel complexes it was $8.83billion, 27.0 percent less
The accumulated value of the manufacture of iron and steel products totaled the equivalent of $18.35 bilion, a figurethat in pesos represented an annual decrease of 12.8 percent compared to 2022
According to lnegi, steel complexes include primary smelting of iron, steel, finished steel products such as tubes, hotrolled sheet coils (HRC), cold rolled sheet coils (CRC), steel structures, commercial profiles , wire rod, rods, amongothers.
铸件展-铸件采购会-国际铸件展-铸造工业展-2024第二十四届广州国际铸件产品及铸造工业-巨浪展览-The 24th China(Guangzhou )Intl Casting product Exhibition 2024铸件展,2024铸件展会,2024广州铸件展,2024中国铸件展会,2024广州铸件展,2024广州铸件展会, 2024压铸件展,2024压铸件展览会,广东铸件展,广东铸件展会, 中国铸件展,中国铸件展览会,铸造工业展,2024铸造工业展-casting Industry Exhibition,casting expo, 2024 casting exhibition, 2024 casting expo, China casting exhibition, China casting expo,casting Industry event,casting event, 2024 casting event,casting event 2024, China casting event, China casting event
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