Scandium International Mining Capable to Make AL-SC Master Alloy-The 21st China (Guangzhou ) Int’l Casting product Exhibition 3/3/2020 casting expo-Die-casting expo-foundry expo |
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Scandium International Mining Corp announced that it has completed a three year, three stage program to demonstrate the capability to manufacture aluminum-scandium master alloy Al-Sc2%, from scandium oxide, using a patent pending melt process involving aluminothermic reactions. This master alloy capability will allow the Company to offer scandium product from the Nyngan Scandium Project in a form that is used directly by aluminium alloy manufacturers globally, either major integrated manufacturers or smaller wrought or casting alloy consumers.
Research Highlights
Program achieved full 2% target product quality requirement
Sc recoveries from oxide exceeded target, demonstrated in final tests
The microstructure and metal quality meet major alloy producer’s specification
Rapid kinetics achieved, important for commercial viability
Individual testing batches done at 4kg scale
Successful program testing forms a basis for a larger scale demonstration facility, supporting large scale samples required for industrial aluminum alloy trials.
The Company has publicly acknowledged an intent to offer scandium product in form of both oxide (scandia) and master alloy since completing a definitive feasibility study on its Nyngan Scandium Project in 2016. The aluminum industry largely relies on independent master alloy manufacturers to make and supply alloying products, including small amounts of Al-Sc 2% product, today. The Nyngan mine scandium output will change the scale of Al-Sc2% master alloy manufactured, globally, and the Company can utilize that scale advantage to effectively minimize the manufacture cost of scandium feedstock to the aluminum alloy customer. This research program success also demonstrates a Company ability to deliver directly to end use alloy customers a product in exactly the customized form they wish to use, transparently, and in the volumes required by large scale aluminum consumers.
This program to establish an upgraded product capability for Nyngan has been completed in three phases, over three years. Phase I in 2017 demonstrated the feasibility of producing master alloy meeting the industrial standard 2% scandium content requirement, at laboratory scale. Phase II in 2018 maintained that industrial quality product standard, at bench scale (4kg/test). Phase III in 2019 showed a capability to maintain the 2% grade product standard, to do so with recoveries that exceeded our target levels, and to combine these achievements with the rapid kinetics essential for low capital and conversion costs.
The next stage in this program will be to consider a large-scale demonstration plant for conversion of oxide to master alloy. This will allow the Company to optimize product form, and most importantly, to meet the demand for larger product offers that conform to commercial test programs. The size of the demonstration plant is being investigated, but will be flexible in operation and output, and will allow for much more direct customer/supplier relationships with potential scandium product customers globally.
-The 21st China (Guangzhou ) Int’l Casting product Exhibition
-Casting product Exhibition, 2020 casting product Exhibition, China Casting product Exhibition, Casting Exhibition, China Casting Exhibition, 2020 Casting Exhibition, Casting product Expo, 2020 casting product Expo, China Casting product Expo, Casting Expo, China Casting Expo, 2020 Casting Expo,