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Berkeley Pacific Steel Casting closing after 84 years- -The 20th China (Guangzhou ) Int’l Casting product Exhibition
9/10/2018  铸件展-casting expo-Die-casting expo-foundry expo
    According to the auction site United Asset Sales, almost the entirety of the on-site equipment from Berkeley’s 84 year old Pacific Steel Casting foundry goes up for sale to the public September 11 and September 12. According to Berkeley City Council member Linda Maio, in 2009 Pacific Steel was the “third largest foundry of its kind in the country” and employed roughly 500 people. The factory was a “specialty casting heavy manufacture” plant turning out machine parts.

The auctioneer writes that “Everything must go, building lease expiring,” promising over 1,000 lots ranging from 15-ton cranes to 30-inch saws. That means the end of Berkeley’s industrial era: Pacific Steel Casting, Berkeley’s last big factory at 1333 Second Street, will finally close its doors. Berkeleyside blames “a confluence of events” for the closure, including:

The 2008 economic downturn, an immigration audit in 2011 that led to the layoff of 200 highly skilled workers, and a costly USD 5.4 million class-action labor lawsuit filed by employees. Those events prompted Pacific Steel Casting, long owned by the Genger and Delsol families, to file for bankruptcy in 2014. 铸件展-铸件采购会-国际铸件展-2019第二十届广州国际铸件展-巨浪展览 -The 20th China (Guangzhou ) Intl Casting product Exhibition -Casting product Exhibition, 2019 casting product Exhibition, China Casting product Exhibition, Casting Exhibition, China Casting Exhibition, 2019 Casting Exhibition, Casting product Expo, 2019 casting product Expo, China Casting product Expo, Casting Expo, China Casting Expo, 2019 Casting Expo, 
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