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GF appoints new head of GF Casting Solutions-The 20th China (Guangzhou ) Int’l Casting product Exhibition
9/3/2018  铸件展-casting expo-Die-casting expo-foundry expo

The GF board of directors has appointed Carlos Vasto as new head of GF Casting Solutions effective as of 1st September 2018. He replaces Josef Edbauer, who will retire at the end of December 2018.

Josef Edbauer (60) can look back on a very successful career at GF spanning more than 40 years. After several management positions at the GF iron casting foundry in Singen (Germany), he was promoted in 2008 as head of the division GF Casting Solutions (formerly GF Automotive) and member of the GF executive committee. Under his leadership, the division constantly adapted its geographical footprint as well as its portfolio with the expansion in the Chinese market, in the US and in Eastern Europe, the stronger focus on lightweight casting components and the entry into the promising investment casting business in 2018.

The GF board of directors and the executive committee thanked Josef Edbauer for his “outstanding efforts and his exceptional dedication over four decades and wish him all the best for this new stage of his life”.

Carlos Vasto (54), dual citizen of Brazil and Italy, holds a metallurgical engineering degree from the Mackenzie University in São Paulo (Brazil). He has extensive professional experience in the automotive and in the mechanical engineering sector and is well acquainted with GF. From 1987 to 2005, he held various positions at GF Casting Solutions in Germany and England including managing director of the British plant. From 2005 to 2010 he led as executive vice president an investment casting company in Brazil and worked afterwards as managing director and partner in a start-up company. Since 2015 he led as general manager the set-up of the new light metal diecasting plant in Mills River (USA), operated by GF and its Canadian joint venture partner Linamar. At the beginning of 2018, Vasto returned to Switzerland to take over the position as head of the divisions’ business unit ‘Iron and Investment Casting Europe’.

铸件展-铸件采购会-国际铸件展-2019第二十届广州国际铸件展-巨浪展览 -The 20th China (Guangzhou ) Intl Casting product Exhibition -Casting product Exhibition, 2019 casting product Exhibition, China Casting product Exhibition, Casting Exhibition, China Casting Exhibition, 2019 Casting Exhibition, Casting product Expo, 2019 casting product Expo, China Casting product Expo, Casting Expo, China Casting Expo, 2019 Casting Expo, 

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