US DoC Finds Dumping in Imports of Fabricated Structural Steel from Canada, China, and Mexico-2020 China( Guangzhou)Int’l Metal & Metallurgy Exhibition-metal exhibition 3/2/2020 金属展-冶金展-钢铁展-steel expo-metal &metallurgy expo- |
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US Department of Commerce announced the affirmative final determinations in the antidumping duty and countervailing duty investigations of imports of fabricated structural steel from Canada (AD only), China and Mexico, and a negative final determination in the CVD investigation of FSS from Canada. Commerce determined that producers and/or exporters from Canada, China, and Mexico have sold FSS at less than fair value in the United States at rates of: 0-6.70 percent, 61.71-154.14 percent, and 0-30.58 percent, respectively. In addition, Commerce determined that producers and/or exporters from China and Mexico received countervailable subsidies at rates of 27.34-206.49 percent and 0.01-68.87 percent, respectively. Because Commerce reached a negative CVD determination with respect to producers and/or exporters from Canada, this investigation is terminated and no CVD duties will be collected on imports from Canada.
In 2018, imports of FSS from Canada, China, and Mexico were valued at an estimated USD 722.5 million, USD 897.5 million and USD 622.4 million, respectively.
The petitioner is the American Institute of Steel Construction Full Member Subgroup in Chicago in Illinois in US.
The US International Trade Commission is scheduled to make its final injury determinations on or about March 9, 2020. If the ITC makes affirmative final injury determinations, Commerce will issue AD and CVD orders. If the ITC makes negative final determinations of injury, the investigations will be terminated, and no orders will be issued.
金属展-冶金展-2020广州巨浪国际金属暨冶金工业展览会-亚洲最大金属冶金展-巨浪展览-2020 China(Guangzhou)Int’l Metal & Metallurgy Exhibition-metal exhibition
-metal exhibition Metal exhibition, Metal expo, 2020 Metal exhibition, 2020 Metal expo, China Metal exhibition, China Metal expo, steel exhibition, steel expo, 2020 steel exhibition, 2020 steel expo, China steel exhibition, China steel expo