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Canada concludes re-investigation on rebar imports from China, Korea, Turkey, Belarus, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japa
n, Portugal and S-2018 China(Guangzhou)Int’l Metal &Metallurgy Exhibition-metal exhibition

5/10/2018  金属展-冶金展-钢铁展-steel expo-metal &metallurgy expo
    The Canada Border Services Agency has concluded a re-investigation to update the normal values and export prices respecting certain concrete reinforcing bar originating in or exported from the People’s Republic of China (China), the Republic of Korea and the Republic of Turkey, and originating in or exported from the Republic of Belarus, Chinese Taipei, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China, Japan, the Portuguese Republic and the Kingdom of Spain, and the amounts of subsidy of certain rebar originating in or exported from China, in accordance with the Special Import Measures Act.

The re investigation was initiated on December 4, 2017, as part of the ongoing enforcement of the Canadian International Trade Tribunal’s (CITT) finding of a threat of injury issued on January 9, 2015 and the CITT’s finding of injury issued on May 3, 2017.

At the initiation of the re-investigation, the CBSA sent Requests for Information (RFI) to all known and potential importers, exporters, vendors, and the Government of China (GOC) to solicit information on the costs and selling prices of like and subject goods as well as any subsidy programs that may be applicable to subject goods. The information was requested for purposes of updating the normal values, export prices and amounts of subsidy (China) for subject goods imported into Canada.

Information available to the CBSA at the start of the re-investigation indicated that there was reason to believe that conditions pertaining to section 20 of SIMA exist in the long products steel industry sector in China and in the rebar sector in Belarus. Section 20 of SIMA may be applied to determine the normal value of goods subject to a dumping re-investigation where certain conditions prevail in the domestic market of the exporting country. The CBSA applies it for a prescribed country where, in the opinion of the CBSA, domestic prices are substantially determined by the government and there is sufficient reason to believe that they are not substantially the same as they would be if they were determined in a competitive market, or for any other country where, in the opinion of the CBSA, the government of the country has a monopoly or substantial monopoly of its export trade, and it substantially determines domestic prices and there is sufficient reason to believe that the domestic prices are not substantially the same as they would be if they were determined in a competitive market.

Accordingly, section 20 inquiries were initiated and the CBSA sent a Section 20 RFI to the GOC, to the Government of Belarus (GOB) and to all known and potential exporters in China and Belarus to examine this matter. With the initiation of the section 20 inquiries, the CBSA continued to research and review publicly available information concerning the status of these sectors in China and Belarus.

Neither the GOC nor the exporters in China provided a response to the Section 20 RFI. Responses to the Section 20 RFI were provided by the GOB and by the exporter, OJSC Byelorussian Steel Works, in Belarus.

At the conclusion of the section 20 inquiries, information on the administrative record revealed that the conditions of section 20 of SIMA continue to exist in the long products steel industry sector in China and in the rebar sector in Belarus. As a result, on May 4, 2018, the CBSA formed the opinion that the conditions of section 20 apply to the sectors under investigation in China and in Belarus.

Specific normal values for future shipments of certain rebar have been determined for all exporters that submitted a complete response to the Dumping RFI, to the Supplemental RFIs and for whom the desk and/or on-site verification was considered reliable.

Exporters (Rebar 1) that have received specific normal values effective May 4, 2018.

Country Exporter
Republic of Turkey Çolakoglu Metalurji A.S.
Icdas Çelik Enerji Tersane ve Ulasim AS.
Kaptan Demir Celik Endustrisi ve Ticaret A.S.
Kroman Çelik Sanayii AS.

For all other exporters of subject goods originating in or exported from China, the Republic of Korea and the Republic of Turkey (Rebar 1), normal values will be determined by ministerial specification. The normal values for future shipments determined by ministerial specification are calculated by advancing the export price of the goods by 41%, pursuant to section 29 of SIMA.

In the case of China, given that neither the GOC, nor any exporters/manufacturers in China provided a response to the Subsidy RFI, an amount of subsidy for all exporters of goods originating in or exported from China will be determined by ministerial specification, pursuant to subsection 30.4(2) of SIMA and is equal to 469 Chinese Renminbi per metric tonne.

Normal Values for Future Shipments - Rebar 2
Specific normal values for future shipments of certain rebar have been determined for all exporters that submitted a complete response to the Dumping RFI, to the Supplemental RFIs and for whom the desk and/or on-site verification was considered reliable.

Exporters (Rebar 2) that have received specific normal values effective May 4, 2018.
Country Exporter
Republic of Belarus OJSC Byelorussian Steel Works (BMZ)1
Chinese Taipei Tung Ho Steel Enterprise Corporation
Portuguese Republic Metalurgica Galaica, S.A.
Kingdom of Spain Celsa Atlantic, S.L.
Nervacero, S.A.

1 A joint response was received from BMZ and Bel Kap Steel LLC.
For all other exporters of subject goods originating in or exported from Belarus, Chinese Taipei, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China, Japan, the Portuguese Republic and the Kingdom of Spain (Rebar 2), normal values will be determined by ministerial specification. The normal values for future shipments determined by ministerial specification are calculated by advancing the export price of the goods by 108.5%, pursuant to section 29 of SIMA.

During the course of the re-investigation, representations, case arguments and reply submissions were received on behalf of counsel for the Canadian producers, exporters, foreign manufacturers and the GOB. Issues raised in these filings include: deficiencies and completeness of exporter’s submissions, application of section 20 of SIMA, retroactive duties and adjustments to normal values due to scrap and rebar price fluctuations. The information submitted in these documents were given due consideration by the CBSA prior to the conclusion of the re investigation.

The normal values and amounts of subsidy (China) will be effective for subject goods released from the CBSA on or after May 4, 2018, and will remain effective until such a date that the CBSA updates the normal values and amounts of subsidy or the CITT rescinds a finding. All normal values and amounts of subsidy previously in place expire on this date. In addition, the normal values and amounts of subsidy determined on the basis of the current re-investigation will be applied to any entries of subject goods under appeal that have yet to be re-determined at the time of the conclusion of this re-investigation. 金属展-冶金展-2018广州巨浪国际金属暨冶金工业展览会-亚洲最大金属冶金展-巨浪展览-2018 China(Guangzhou)Int’l Metal &Metallurgy Exhibition-metal exhibition -metal exhibition Metal exhibition, Metal expo, 2018 Metal exhibition, 2018 Metal expo, China Metal exhibition, China Metal expo, steel exhibition, steel expo, 2018 steel exhibition, 2018 steel expo, China steel exhibition, China steel expo
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