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EU steel safeguard must prevent import surges, says EUROFER-2018 China(Guangzhou)Int’l Metal &Metallurgy Exhibition-meta
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4/25/2018  金属展-冶金展-钢铁展-steel expo-metal &metallurgy expo

According to an announcement by the European Steel Association (EUROFER) the safeguard should be broad but, as EUROFER director general Axel Eggert pointed out yesterday, it''s purpose is not to close the market but to prevent a further surge in imports resulting from those ''deviated steel trade flows'' – in other words, steel originally destined for the USA that might re-route itself to Europe when it discovers there is no room at the inn in the USA.

"There have been claims made by some steel importers that the safeguard will close the EU market to imports. This is concretely untrue – these are claims made by undertakings that benefit from unsustainably low-priced, dumped imports," Eggert said, adding that, in practice, the safeguard will guarantee the open access of steel trade flows to the EU market at a nevertheless ''historically high level''.

According to EUROFER, in establishing a safeguard measure, the EU trade defence rules explicitly refer to the desirability of maintaining established import flows rather than close the EU market.

Eggert stressed that the safeguard will not cause a shortage of supply or price increases. He welcomed the fact that the EU had addressed the issue of US tariffs at the World Trade Organisation ''in order to find a global solution as soon as possible''.

• EU steel imports have increased significantly, from 18Mt in 2013 to 30Mt in 2017 – a rise of 66%. In Q1 2018 steel imports surged by another 8% year-on-year, claims EUROFER.

金属展-冶金展-2018广州巨浪国际金属暨冶金工业展览会-亚洲最大金属冶金展-巨浪展览-2018 China(Guangzhou)Int’l Metal &Metallurgy Exhibition-metal exhibition -metal exhibition Metal exhibition, Metal expo, 2018 Metal exhibition, 2018 Metal expo, China Metal exhibition, China Metal expo, steel exhibition, steel expo, 2018 steel exhibition, 2018 steel expo, China steel exhibition, China steel expo
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