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Chinese government determines to cut steel & coal production capacity against pollution-2018 China(Guangzhou)Int’l 
Metal &Metallurgy Exhibition-metal exhibition

3/9/2018  steel expo-metal &metallurgy expo
    Chinese government determined to cut steel and coal production capacity in order to fight against air pollution this year. The government would work hard to cut down steel capacity by around 30 million tons and around 150 million tons of coal output this year. 

Steel emissions of Chinese government has strong will to reduce the supply in bloated heavy industries. In addition, Chinese government also tried to upgrade fossil-sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide would be cut by 3% this year. 

Fuel energy was sourced by using green and cleaner energy. Steel mills in China were required now to upgrade their steel operations to meet environmental standard or to shut down their old polluting steel and coal mills. 

The coal-fired power plants with capacity of less than 300,000 kilowatts that did not satisfy and follow emission standards in 2018 would be forced to closed down as well. More merging and restructuring steel companies would be formed in China. More actions would be done in China to fight against the steel and coal pollution. -2018 China(Guangzhou)Int’l Metal &Metallurgy Exhibition-metal exhibition -metal exhibition Metal exhibition, Metal expo, 2018 Metal exhibition, 2018 Metal expo, China Metal exhibition, China Metal expo, steel exhibition, steel expo, 2018 steel exhibition, 2018 steel expo, China steel exhibition, China steel expo
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Add:Room 3A05-3A06,Building A1,Xinghui Park,Huaming Road 29,Pearl River New City,Guangzhou,510623,China