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Voestalpine hopes for big order of steel plates for Nord Stream 2 of Gazprom-The 17th China(Guangzhou)Int'l Stainless Steel Industry Exhibition
3/7/2016  Stainless Steel Industry expo
    Reuters reported that Austria''s Voestalpine is hoping for a big order from a Gazprom-led pipeline project designed to boost Russian natural gas supplies to Europe, the specialty steel group said on Thursday.

Voestalpine confirmed a report by Austrian weekly Trend that it hopes for an order of a similar size to the 170,000 tonnes of heavy plate it delivered for Nord Stream 1. Market experts estimate the current value of such an order at around 90 million euros ($98 million). This time Voestalpine may deliver even more than 200,000 tonnes, Chief Executive Wolfgang Eder said, adding that a decision could be made as early as this month.

He hwoever said "As long as the contracts are not signed, there certainly remains a political risk. Therefore it is too early to tell when construction will start."

Gazprom agreed in June with Royal Dutch Shell and its long-time gas buyers in , Germany''s E.ON and Austria''s OMV, to build the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which is planned to come online in 2019. The European Commission has not approved the project yet and is still examining whether it complies with EU law. Many eastern European countries and the United States have criticised the pipeline plan, saying over-reliance on Russia is a threat to the European Union''s energy security.
-The 17th China(Guangzhou)Int''l Stainless Steel Industry Exhibition
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