Stainless Steel Melt Shop Production in 9 Months up 3.4% YoY-The 21st China(Guangzhou)Int'l Stainless Steel Industry Exhibition 1/3/2020 不锈钢展-不锈钢展会-效果最好的不锈钢展会- Stainless Steel Exhibition |
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The International Stainless Steel Forum has released figures for the first nine months of 2019 showing that stainless steel melt shop production increased by 3.4% YoY to 39.8 million tonnes.
不锈钢展-2020第二十一届广州国际不锈钢工业展-效果最好的不锈钢展会-The 21st China(Guangzhou)Int''l Stainless Steel Industry Exhibition
- Stainless Steel exhibition,2020
Stainless Steel exhibition, China
Stainless Steel exhibition, Guangzhou
Stainless Steel expo,Guangzhou Stainless Steel exhibition,
2020 Stainless Steel expo, China Stainless Steel expo