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No Monopoly in Stainless Steel Market – Vietnam Trade Ministry-The 21st China(Guangzhou)Int'l Stainless Steel Industry Exhibition
9/10/2019  不锈钢展-不锈钢展会-效果最好的不锈钢展会- Stainless Steel Exhibition
    Vietnam Express reported that Vietnam Ministry of Industry and Trade has rejected allegations that anti-dumping duties on stainless steel imports have caused a monopoly in the domestic market. Replying to the allegations, a representative of the Department of Trade Remedies of the Ministry of Industry and Trade said that there was no basis to say that the domestic stainless steel production industry or any individual manufacturer has a monopoly in this product group. He said “Anti-dumping duties were levied based on inspection results showing dumping behavior from manufacturers from the four economies, which caused significant damage to the domestic production industry. This is a defense measure allowed by the World Trade Organization. Stainless steel products from the above-mentioned four economies can still be imported into Vietnam without being subject to anti-dumping tax.”

Steel importers are complaining that Vietnam’s stainless steel market is showing monopolistic signs because of anti-dumping taxes levied on imports from mainland China, Indonesia, Malaysia and Taiwan since September 2014. In the last four years, the price of cold rolled stainless steel has risen by 15 to 25%, leading to a rise in importers’ production costs. Currently, cold rolled stainless steel from mainland China is taxed at 25.35%, from Indonesia at 13.03%, Malaysia at 9.31% and Taiwan at 13.79%. 不锈钢展-2020第二十一届广州国际不锈钢工业展-效果最好的不锈钢展会-The 21st China(Guangzhou)Int''l Stainless Steel Industry Exhibition - Stainless Steel exhibition,2020 Stainless Steel exhibition, China Stainless Steel exhibition, Guangzhou Stainless Steel expo,Guangzhou Stainless Steel exhibition, 2020 Stainless Steel expo, China Stainless Steel expo
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