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China December stainless steel output down by 1.7pct-The 20th China(Guangzhou)Int'l Stainless Steel Industry Exhibition
1/14/2019  不锈钢展-不锈钢展会-效果最好的不锈钢展会- Stainless Steel Exhibition
    SMM data showed that China produced 2.19 million tonne of stainless steel in December, down 1.74% month on month but up 4.42% year on year. This brought stainless steel output in January to December to stand at 25.69 million tonne, standing 5.58% higher than a year earlier. In December, output of #300 series stainless steel shrank 3.65% from November to stand at 1.13 million tonne. Tepid sales of such materials prompted some mills with high costs to cut output.

Output of #400 series decreased 2.47% from a month ago and came in at 434,500 tonne for the same month.

Two mills in east China slightly raised their production of #200 series, which lifted overall December output of such materials by 2.46% to stand at 625,000 tonne.

Output of stainless steel is estimated to fall to 2.08 million tonne in January with that of #300 series down 8.77% to 1.03 million tonne.

Nickel pig iron supply shortages at mills in the south, new production lines for hot-rolled steel and power transformer station issue would impact production of #300 series.

Output of #200 series stainless steel is expected to dip 0.16% to 624,000 tonne with that of #400 series down 2.99% to 400,000 tonne.  不锈钢展-2019第二十届广州国际不锈钢工业展-效果最好的不锈钢展会-The 20th China(Guangzhou)Int''l Stainless Steel Industry Exhibition - Stainless Steel exhibition,2019 Stainless Steel exhibition, China Stainless Steel exhibition, Guangzhou Stainless Steel expo,Guangzhou Stainless Steel exhibition, 2019 Stainless Steel expo, China Stainless Steel expo
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Add:Room 3A05-3A06,Building A1,Xinghui Park,Huaming Road 29,Pearl River New City,Guangzhou,510623,China