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Tata Steel demonstrates steel tube technology for Hyperloop-The 20th China(Guangzhou)Int'l Stainless Steel Industry Exhibition
10/31/2018  不锈钢展-不锈钢展会-Stainless Steel Exhibition
    Tata Steel will present its latest contribution to the European Hyperloop Program project at this year’s EuroBLECH trade show. The steel supplier has developed different design concepts for the vacuum tube technology and will now enter the prototyping stage, having already delivered electrical steel for the rail of the first European test facility in Delft, Netherlands and made financial investments in the project. At this stage, Tata Steel would like to invite other metal technology companies to join the EHP for the development of the innovative transportation system.

Hyperloop is a high-capacity, high speed transportation system that has the potential to connect cities at any distance faster and in a highly sustainable manner. The current system uses magnetically levitated pods that travel through a vacuum steel tube at potential speeds up to 1,000 km/h. As 80% of the Hyperloop infrastructure planned by EHP will be made of steel, Tata Steel will focus on the efficient construction of the infrastructure, including strong lightweight tubes and rails made from electrical steel.

Mr Paul de Vries, General Manager Process Development Strip at Tata Steel said that “We were very happy when Hardt Hyperloop, the first European start-up for the technology, approached us in 2017 to be their industry partner in the European Hyperloop Program. Sustainability is one of our most important goals as a company and therefore the innovative mobility concept fits perfectly into our corporate vision. With Hyperloop being such a unique and new system in so many ways, the development process is quite challenging.”

For the vacuum tubes, Tata Steel has developed 25 different concepts to reduce the weight and costs by 50 percent compared the tube from the first European test facility. The product is a 30-meter-long and 4.5-meter-wide (internal diameter) spiral welded tube. From these, 25 tube concepts have been selected for a 1:10 scale prototype production and pressure tests in cooperation with the Technical University of Delft.

A tube-within-a-tube method is one of the two selected designs. In case the final layout of the Hyperloop system will require larger tubes, pre-assembled tubes will be difficult to transport, requiring a tube to be constructed on-site. Therefore, this tube concept consists of single segments that could be assembled at the potential construction site. Another option is a polyhedral tube, that gains its structural stiffness from a triangle-folded steel structure. It is made up of flat triangular sections created by folding the sheet and then wound into a tube with the possibility of on-site continuous welding.  不锈钢展-2019第二十届广州国际不锈钢工业展-效果最好的不锈钢展会-The 20th China(Guangzhou)Int''l Stainless Steel Industry Exhibition - Stainless Steel exhibition,2019 Stainless Steel exhibition, China Stainless Steel exhibition, Guangzhou Stainless Steel expo,Guangzhou Stainless Steel exhibition, 2019 Stainless Steel expo, China Stainless Steel expo
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