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Why Brazilian iron ore exports dropped 16% YoY in November-中国最大钣金展-锻压展-2015第十六届广州国际钣金、锻压工业展览会-巨浪展览- The 16th China(Guangzhou)Int’l Sheet metal machinery,Forging, Stamping and Setting Equipment Exhibit
12/26/2014  钣金展-锻压展-sheet metal expo

Brazilian exports

Brazilian exports indicate the volume of iron ore being shipped out of Brazilian ports to China and the rest of the world. Brazil accounts for ~25% of the global market share of iron ore’s trade volume and, after Australia, is the second-largest iron ore exporting country. Plus, Brazil is home to one of the largest mining companies, Vale SA (VALE).

Brazil iron ore exportsEnlarge Graph

Shipments from Brazil are a key metric for investors to watch, along with shipments out of Australia. These data are released by Brazil’s foreign trade department, MDIC, on a monthly basis.

Shipments down 16% year-over-year

In November, Brazil’s total iron ore shipments amounted to 25.96 million tons. This is a decrease of 18.3% month-over-month and 16.0% year-over-year. In value terms, exports are down ~47.5% year-over-year to $1.58 billion. This is in line with lower Chinese iron ore imports in November, as we’ll discuss in the subsequent part of this series.

Impact on companies

Sustained slumps in exports to the key markets usually show the sagging appetite of steel mills. This is negative for companies engaged in seaborne iron ore trade, including BHP Billiton Limited (BHP), Rio Tinto (RIO), and Vale SA

中国最大钣金展-锻压展-2015第十六届广州国际钣金、锻压工业展览会-巨浪展览- The 16th China(Guangzhou)Int’l Sheet metal machinery,Forging, Stamping and Setting Equipment Exhibition

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