UPM Adds Shear, High-Def Plasma Cutting-中国最大钣金展-锻压展-2015第十六届广州国际钣金、锻压工业展览会-巨浪展览- The 16th China(Guangzhou)Int’l Sheet metal machinery,Forging, Stamping and Setting Equipment Exhibition 9/23/2014 钣金展-锻压展-sheet metal expo |
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The United Performance Metals (UPM) facility in Houston, TX, has increased its inventory of nickel plate, and invested in a new plate shear and high-definition plasma-arc cutting table. UPM processes stainless-steel, nickel- and cobalt-alloy products including sheet, coil, strip, plate and near-net shapes.
中国最大钣金展-锻压展-2015第十六届广州国际钣金、锻压工业展览会-巨浪展览- The 16th
Sheet metal machinery,Forging, Stamping and Setting Equipment Exhibition