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Turkey's steel import value down 15.5 percent in January-November-激光设备展-钣金工业展-2024第二十四届广州国际激光设备、钣金工业展览会-巨浪展览- 2024 China(Guangzhou) Int’l Laser Equipment and Sheet Metal Industry Exhibition
1/2/2024  钣金工业展-激光设备展-sheet metal expo-Laser expo
    According to the provisiona foreian trade statistics compiled by the Turkish Statistical institute (Tuk) and the TurkishUndersecretariat of Customs. in November this year the value of Turkey''s iron and steel imports increased by 8.9percent year on year, totaling $1.7 million. n the given month, iron and steel ranked in sixth place among the mostmported products of the country in terms of value. in the January-November period this vear, the value of Turkev''s ironand steel imports totaled $22.5 billion, falling by 15.5 percent compared to the same period of the previous year.
Meanwhile, in the given month the value of imports of articles of iron or steel. which ranked 14th among the productswith the hihest export value. went up by 1.7 percent. amounting to S307 390. while the value of its imports of articlesof iron or steel in the first 11 months rose by 10.1 percent to $3.7 billion, both year on year. 激光设备展-钣金工业展-2024第二十四届广州国际激光设备、钣金工业展览会-巨浪展览- 2024 China(Guangzhou) Int’l Laser Equipment and Sheet Metal Industry Exhibition 2024钣金展,2024钣金工业展 2024钣金展会,2024钣金展览会,2024激光设备展,2024激光设备展会,2024激光设备展览会,2024广州钣金展,2024广州钣金展会,2024广州激光设备展,2024广州激光设备展会,广东激光设备展,中国激光设备展会,广东钣金展,中国钣金展会,2024钣金展会信息,2024激光设备设备展,2024激光设备博览会,2024钣金博览会-sheet metal Industry Exhibition,sheet metal expo, 2024 sheet metal exhibition, 2024 sheet metal expo, China sheet metal exhibition, China sheet metal expo,-Laser Industry Exhibition,Laser expo, 2024 Laser exhibition, 2024 Laser  expo, China Laser exhibition, China Laser expo
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