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Colombian steel industry facing shortage of scrap-2019 China(Guangzhou) Int’l Laser Equipment and Sheet Metal Industry Exhibition
1/2/2019  钣金展-Laser Equipment, Sheet Metal Industry expo
    Colombia was facing a lack of domestic scrap, which will affect the steel industry. However, the Colombian scrap market was not very clear, and scrap dealers chose to export prior to domestic sales. 

According to relevant data, five domestic long product producers were the main scrap consumers, with an annual output of about 1 million tons. Scrap accounted for about 75% of the materials used in the Colombian steelmaking process. 

The annual output of the Colombian steel mill was 2.2 million tons, which was enough to meet all the needs of the country. However, due to the difficulty in obtaining scrap, only about 64% of the capacity was currently used. The steel industry will increase the production capacity from 64% to 80%, which required around 1.7 million tons of scrap. However, steel producers could only get about 980,000 tons of scrap, according to 2017 data. 钣金展-激光设备展-2019年广州国际激光设备及钣金工业展 -2019 China(Guangzhou) Int’l Laser Equipment and Sheet Metal Industry Exhibition -Sheet metal exhibition, Sheet metal expo, 2019 Sheet metal exhibition, 2019 Sheet metal expo, China Sheet metal exhibition, China Sheet metal expo, Laser Equipment exhibition, Laser Equipment expo, 2019 Laser Equipment exhibition, 2019 Laser Equipment  expo, Laser exhibition, Laser expo
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