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BCGA collaborates with UK Steel on new safety guidance- The 19th China(Guangzhou)Int’l Sheet metal machinery,Forging, Stamping and Setting Equipment Exhibition
5/8/2018  钣金展-Sheetmetal machinery, Forging, Stamping expo
    Comprehensive safety guidance for the steel production industry has been produced by the British Compressed Gases Association. BCGA has consulted with UK Steel, the trade body for the nation’s steel industry, to produce Guidance Note 34 ‘The Safe Use of Gases In The Steel Industry.’

Offering advice on the use of externally supplied gases at steel production sites, the 23-page document includes information on safe and appropriate storage, handling, use and gas quality, as well as appropriate ancillary equipment.

Mr Doug Thornton, Chief Executive of BCGA, said that “There are many uses for gases in the steel industry, both in steelmaking and for downstream steel processors. Providing they are stored, handled and used responsibly, gases in these environments are a valuable resource and safe to use.” He said that “GN34 gives the necessary guidance to ensure operators understand the hazards associated with specific gases.It sets out to them the necessary safety measures to properly control the risks to their staff and employees, and the wider public.”

UK Steel invited BCGA to collaborate and produce the guide.

Gareth Stace, UK Steel Director, added that “BCGA’s assistance in producing this guidance has been vital. The need for this document in the steel sector was identified by UK Steel members, and their collaboration with BCGA has produced valuable guidance for all those storing and handling gases in the steel industry.”

The collaboration between both trade bodies is set to continue with UK Steel producing two guides in conjunction with BCGA; UK Steel Code of Practice Installation and Maintenance of Oxygen Pipework Systems, and a Guide to Operation and Maintenance of Oxygen Pipework Systems. 中国最大钣金展-锻压展-2018第十九届广州国际钣金、锻压工业展览会-巨浪展览 - The 19th ChinaGuangzhouInt’l Sheet metal machinery,Forging, Stamping and Setting Equipment Exhibition -Sheet metal exhibition, Sheet metal expo, 2018 Sheet metal exhibition, 2018 Sheet metal expo, China Sheet metal exhibition, China Sheet metal expo, Forging exhibition, Forging expo, 2018 Forging exhibition, 2018 Forging expo, Stamping exhibition, Stamping expo 
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