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South Korean stainless steel cold-rolled sheet stock above 90,000 tons in Feb- The 19th China(Guangzhou)Int’l Sheet metal machinery,Forging, Stamping and Setting Equipment Exhibition
4/2/2018  钣金展-Sheetmetal machinery, Forging, Stamping expo
    The Korea Iron and Steel Association stated that the stock of South Korean stainless steel cold-rolled sheet came to around 97,000 tons in February, which dropped about 3.5% compared with the previous month and increased about 25.1% compared with the same time of last year.

The production activities in Spring would lead the stainless steel stock down normally, but South Korean domestic requirement was weak currently. South Korean stainless steel production was expected to be 90,000 to 100,000 tons in Spring. The South Korean market was weak and remained the same. The local stainless steel producers and the distributors were confused about the weak consumption.

According to the analysis from the Korea Iron and Steel Association, the slow market was not only due to the weak requirement but also due to the weak nickel price at around US$13,000/ton. 中国最大钣金展-锻压展-2018第十九届广州国际钣金、锻压工业展览会-巨浪展览 - The 19th ChinaGuangzhouInt’l Sheet metal machinery,Forging, Stamping and Setting Equipment Exhibition -Sheet metal exhibition, Sheet metal expo, 2018 Sheet metal exhibition, 2018 Sheet metal expo, China Sheet metal exhibition, China Sheet metal expo, Forging exhibition, Forging expo, 2018 Forging exhibition, 2018 Forging expo, Stamping exhibition, Stamping expo 
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