A powerful laser centre, which will help scientists research the space and fight against cancer, opened in Dolni Brezany, the Czech Republic on Monday.
The ELI Beamlines laser center will be fully operated in 2018, said the ELI manager Roman Hvezda.
Construction of the laser center will cost 6.8 billion crowns (286 million U.S. dollars), 5.8 billion of which will be paid by the EU. Researchers will have the most powerful laser available in the world for their research.
Scientists in the laboratories at the center will for the first time examine some extreme physical phenomena, such as the simulation of processes inside stars.
They can significantly contribute to the development of quality and cheap sources of protons for the treatment of malignant tumors, examination of the internal structure of living cells or, for example, simulate and research about the environment inside the giant planets.
The super laser systems, which are manufactured overseas, will be transported to the center in 2016.
Hevezda said that ELI center is based on a new technology of laser systems that enable the generation of very short pulses -- they have high energy, and they can contribute to creating new experiments.
According to him, the development of technologies should be completed and systems will be prepared for specially adjusted halls in the coming two years.
The 10-PW laser system, which is one of the four major lasers devices in ELI, will have the biggest energy laser in the world according to scientists. It is being developed by the U.S.-European consortium led by the National Energetics along with experts of the Institute of Physics of the Czech Science Academy.
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